

Hi, I'm Byron Herrera, a developer who likes to develop applications on many different languages and This is Silencesoft, my personal site to publish some of my work.

There is a Windows application named Calendar, a system utility in the tray that shows a calendar of the actual and the next months.

ExecClip: an application that helps to load documents inside flash projectors, using the clipboard.

SQL Wizard is an application to generate forms to William Yu's RapidQ that connects to mySQL server and show information and allows edit it.

Drupal Modules some modules for drupal in developing.

Wordpress Plugins some plugins for wordpress in developing.

Zen Cart Addons some changes in zen cart shopping cart.

jQuery Plugins some plugins.

Violet CMS is a php content management system, databaseless, with text file configurations.

Soon i will release Violet CMS SWF Version, a php-mysql Content Management System.
Sites actually working with Violet CMS SWF Version:
Trucos para mujer.


My personal Blog (in spanish).

Donate Bitcoins
